Follow this link for a good summary of my Ph.D. research.
Currently, I am designing with Josh I. Gold a simple version of the
dots-reversal task for humans in order to better establish the evidence
accumulation strategies used across a single change point.
Finally, I am also working on the details of an inference model for the
dynamic clicks task, which is being implemented in Carlos Brody's lab.
Mathematical Neuroscience
Radillo, A. E., Veliz-Cuba, A., Josic, K., & Kilpatrick, Z. P., (2017). Evidence accumulation and change rate inference in dynamic environments, Neural Computation, 29(6), 1561-1610. Link
Donard, V., et al. (2012). Identity and relational stakes in MMORPG, Pratiques Psychologiques, 18(1), 23–36.
Radillo, A. (2009). L’expérimentation de l’utilisation des
jeux vidéo en remédiation
cognitive, Enfance & Psy, n° 44, Paris : Erès.
Virole, B., & Radillo, A. (2010). Cyberpsychologie, Paris : Dunod.